Thursday 15 October 2009

Stags of old

Stags of old
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
I was walking along through the park looking for Tin-Tin and Herbert to see if the inevitable had happened yet and they had rutted. Then i stumbled across this old fella, from a distance he looks a awful lot like Herbert, but on closer inspection he’s not .. However they may share the same parentage.

Herbert and Tin Tin are currently sharing the does amongst them. They both occupy the same land separated only by a river. There are around 7 stags all in the area, none of them real challengers to either however who knows. Both Tin-Tin and Herbert are looking very tired at the moment. Herbert still has control of his herd... the remaining 9 or so he has, but he’s looking very tired.

Anything could happen over the next 2 weeks, although its likely that things will settle down and rut will come to a close with Herbert still being king of the herd!

Wednesday 14 October 2009

A Moments reflection

A Moments reflection
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
The park was very busy; all of the stags have migrated to one place in the park and are in the process of trying to eat. Some of them look so tired and warn that it’s a wonder that their still alive, a couple have their fur falling out and its pretty grim, but let’s not forget that stags hardly eat during the rutting season, too busy herding and protecting their girls from the others.

Taking over territory

Taking over territory
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
All of the stags have moved into the same area and the noise is quite awesome, if your in the park go west at the waterfall (the one under construction in the middle) and follow the river path that leads toward Hampton village... you won’t miss them there’s around 7-9 stags all calling for mates there.

It’s not all about the boys

1 or 3 But let’s not forget the girls, i get the feeling that their getting a little cheeses off with the attention now. Some of them just want to have a wander and explore, others just want to say hello to a younger stag .. but Herbert won’t have any of it!!

More tomorrow on the status of the bushy part stags!!

Monday 12 October 2009

A delayed reaction

A delayed reaction
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
This weekend due to family birthdays (happy birthday Barry) I’ve been unable to get to the park and see what happening, hopefully I will be able to this evening and tomorrow will be able to give you a I’ll update on the goings on in the park.

Friday 9 October 2009

Tin Tin looking Proud

Tin Tin looking Proud
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
(1 of 5) My entrance to the park always leads be my Tin Tins patch, and actually he’s built up quite a Harem over the last week, it does make me wonder if he’s been in a rut with Herbert for some of these girls as most of them Were Herbert’s this time last week. And sure enough I found him looking very proud of himself and posing for the camera

having a paddle

having a paddle
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
(2 of 5) He has 9 doe’s that I could see and all of them look like they’re enjoying all the attention that been given them. There merrily being herded up and escorted everywhere, and most of this Harem doesn’t seem to want to wander too far.

Tin Tin guarding his girls

(3 of 5) That doesn’t mean Tin Tin isn’t protective though, he’s dancing in circles, around them making sure he’s got them all.

Herbert and his only girl

(4 of 5) I wandered on then found something strange, I was fully expecting to see Herbert and his girls in their normal spot. But all of his does were scattered all over. In addition to this there was males everywhere, stags were just wandering amongst them without challenge... I have to say I was very worried. I’ve grown quite fond of Herbert and as much as I know these things happen in nature I didn’t want him to have been hurt (damn human side) so I persevered – I wondered deep into the bracken, and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw him on his own with a doe. But only one, and he was a way away from the rest of the herd, looking quite forlorn and restless. A close inspection of his antlers shows that he has a antler point missing so I’m assuming he’s been in a rut recently and its hit his confidence. But at least he lived to tell another day without any other nasty wounds to speak of.

Boys are playing

Boys are playing
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
(5 of 5) I moved on cautious not to distress him, and stumbled across a strange sight, two young stags having a small rut.. And when I say small I mean just rubbing antlers.. not really rutting. Its seems like strange behaviour to me considering that they may well get killed even in playing.. but I suppose they have to learn somewhere.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Herbert Patrolling his herd

07062009 1 of 6 – Wow what a night in bushy park it has been. We’ve had stand off’s we’ve had theft, and ultimately we’ve had loss, it’s been action packed.

We arrived at the centre of the action with it all happening, Herbert was looking after his dramatically reduced herd (I would say has lost about 13 or so to other stags in the area) he was looking a little forlorn and was surrounded by 5 ... thats right 5 stags all considerably smaller but no less determined to steal members of his herd for their own, so he was patrolling up and down .. making sure he knew where they all were

Trouble incoming

Trouble incoming
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
07062009 2 of 6 Then before he knew it, another stag was on the scene rounding up some of Herbert’s Harem, he only got a little way in before....

Herbert sees off the first

07062009 3 of 6 Herbert came bounding through the bracken at him to chaise him off .. believe me its like they all know they would lose in a fight, but they try anyway .. Herbert’s and impressive stag, and the others are clearly younger.. but with youth comes daring and that is where this evening it got very interesting.

Barney herds up the Hareem

07062009 4 of 6 Barney a new stag on the block decided to take advantage of Herbert’s distraction and round up as many of Herbert’s herd as he could. Now he’s no way big enough to take Herbert on in a rut .. so he’s resorting to stealing ... but before he could settle down for the night with his new lay friends and chomp on some grass, the thief suffered a theft!

Tin Tin comes in for some action

07062009 5 of 6 Tin Tin, Now this stag is more mature than the rest, and i haven’t seen in a while. But no sooner had barney separated the does from the herd was Tin Tin there seeing him off and causing him to flee distracting Herbert who was now in chase who followed Barney... until he ran well into the bracken out of Herbert’s range, by that time Tin Tin had separated the Does and was driving them to his own herd. (which now .. is co-incidentally about 13 strong .. who would have guessed it .. Tin Tin .. really.. a harem without a Rut)

Ill get you Barney

Ill get you Barney
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
07062009 6 of 6 Best part for Tin Tin is that Herbert seems to be blaming Barney for the theft!!

Tuesday 6 October 2009

The last of the conkers

Well here is another photo from the past, this was taken in september ..

why ... well the weather is why, i know i know i should be more hardy, but please, its not me im thinking of .. its my camera .. the thought of frying it coz its gotten all wet and unuse able is just too much for me .. thats my excluse and im sticking to it, but its been decided for me that regardles .. wht ever happens tonight... im going to see how my deer are .. hope their ok.. and i wonder if Herbert is still in chage .. i cant wait to go and have a nosy

Monday 5 October 2009

A happy place

A happy place
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
Well I’m afraid it’s been a bit of a disastrous weekend, and for one reason and about another 10 we haven’t managed to get out, I will however be going out tonight to see how things are progressing in Bushy Park. In the meantime, I thought I would show you an adorable picture of a young doe, enjoying the last of the heat from summer.

Herbert and the ladies

Another from last week (apologies) .. here’s Herbert, nizzerling and member of the Harem when he was doing his rounds.

Friday 2 October 2009

Hertbert AKA Barry White

He’s a Mr lover-lover for sure, smooching the ladies as he patrols. Last night he was in a very macho wandering around, going up to his girls and saying hi, his the king of his hill and he’s just making sure his people are happy.

Two Peas in a Pod

Two Peas in a Pod
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
These sisters seem to go everywhere together and only feel safe in each other’s company, very sweet. I too this capture just as the sun was fading behind them, on the first night of October

Thursday 1 October 2009

A Cry To The Heather

A Cry To The Heather
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
Here is Tin Tin feeling a little but adventurous and wandering into Herbert’s patch. They spotted each other after about 10 minutes and began a staring competition. I was getting exited / worried thinking i might experience my first Rut when Tin Tin, chickened out, and frankly i don’t blame him Herbert is an amazing stag and i would think twice

Herbert and the girls

Herbert and the girls
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
After his encounter and near rut with Tin Tin Herbert wandered back, barking as he went to his girls looking a little disgruntled that the cheeky young Tin Tin had got so close to his girls. The funny thing is as i was watching him walk round the entire herd, it was like he was counting heads, to make sure he hadn’t lost a Doe in the process.

Sundown On the Park

Sundown On the Park
Originally uploaded by mark.gascoine
Here is a wide angle of the herd, as the sun falls into evening.
